Movie Musicals That Got It Right (Reich?): Cabaret
I'm cheating a little here. I had said that (except for The Sound of Music ) I would stick to reviewing movie musicals produced in the last 15 years. I had intended my next Movie Musical segment to be about Jersey Boys . But I just haven't been able to get out to see it. My "meh, why bother" attitude reflects what I felt when I saw Jersey Boys the musical, and also the movie's general reception. I do intend to review it before it leaves the theatres, but a Les Miserables movie event it is not. Then recently, I saw the 1972 movie Cabaret on television, the first time I was able to watch it the whole way through. Figuring that I would just forget the details if I waited until after reviewing the post-2000 movies, I decided what the hell. Cabaret is in the Right column because I couldn't justify putting it in the Wrong column, but it's a much more tepid Right than I ever imagined it would be. Cabaret the movie and st...