Updates: Dog Days of Summer...

Those of you who regularly tune in may have noticed that I've not been posting as frequently.  That is because over the past month or so, my life has been incredibly busy... in a good way for the most part.  It's all I can do to post once a week, which I do vow to continue doing.  Once things slow down a little, I will go back to posting twice or more a week.

One bit of good news: the "publishing person" I referenced a while back is now reading my novel and likes it a lot.  She will refer it to editors in her company, and even though I don't think her company is quite the right fit, it is still awesome to hear.  In the meantime, I am working on my query letter and preparing to send it to agents.

But what's new for this blog?  The Movie Musicals Series will be back, along with some media critique posts (I have one for Game of Thrones up next) and some more Unpopular Opinions.  I don't have any new series planned for the next month or so, though after a debate over the merits of Kenneth Branagh's versus Joss Whedon's Much Ado About Nothing, I might do a series on Shakespeare in movies (last 20 years).  MIGHT.  I like Shakespeare, but large doses can try my patience.  "Look at me!  I'm doing Shakespeare set on a subway!  Aren't I hip?"


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