My 80s Childhood Scarred Me
Cute, plucky kid who went through some mighty disturbing shit. When I was a kid, for one year, I had a stalker. I don't know how or why, just that an older man became interested in me and would call my house on a semi-regular basis. When he got me on the phone, he would ask me questions in a very creepy voice that I still remember to this day. He claimed to be a friend of my father's, yet when I gave the phone to my dad, he would inevitably get a dial tone. One day it started and then one day, just as mysteriously, it stopped. And I didn't think about it again for years. Until recently, when I stopped to think just how fucked up that was. Where were my parents? I never answered the phone, so how did they just decide it was okay for an adult male to speak to their child? My mom claims that she doesn't recall that sequence of events at all. I recall as a kid feeling that something was wrong, but I couldn't understan...