Things That I Love: The Legend of Korra
When it comes to television series, I'm almost always late for the party. I tend to hop on board the love train after one or two seasons have passed, when the show is safely critically acclaimed and therefore worth investing my time. Such was the case with Avatar: The Last Airbender and its sequel, The Legend of Korra . I learned about Avatar at the same time as its much-maligned film version, and thought little more about it. But after Doug Walker from That Guy With the Glasses did a review of the film/series, I became intrigued enough to check it out. While Avatar was not readily available,* Korra was. And oh my God, after one episode, I was in love. A little context: since childhood, I have been an absolute nut for great animation. Until I was 10 or 11, I was convinced that I would become an animator, and spent my afternoons doodling comical dogs and dragons on large sheets of paper. Disney was the default style, though...