The Valley of Horses: And So the Seeds Take Root...
As I mentioned last time , after sucking down The Clan of the Cave Bear in just a few days, 14-year old me grabbed ahold of its sequel. I was so excited. The ending of Clan was so powerful and emotional -- what could Auel possibly have in store for us next? Would Ayla be reunited with her family? Would we see how Durc was treated once Ayla was gone? At this point, anything was possible. I tore open the novel and read the first chapter. "She was dead. What did it matter if icy needles of freezing rain flayed her skin raw." Yes, yes! I read as Ayla forged ahead alone, haunted by her final moments with the Clan, until she ended up in "cool, green, sheltered valley" where horses were grazing. Then... Wait -- who were Jondalar and Thonolan? I skimmed ahead through their chapter, looking for some connection to Ayla, but there was none. Next chapter, Ayla was still in the valley. Next chapter, Jo...